Konrad NiedZwiedzki's Dreams of the Future
There comes a time in any champion's life when he must think about the future, about the things that matter the most when high sport performance is no longer possible. We've asked Konrad Niedźwiedzki what are his thoughts about the future. As PyeongChang 2018 is not far away and winning an Olympic medal feels amazing, we tackled this topic first ... Yet, we haven't forgotten about Konrad's beautiful fiancée, Katarzyna Woźniak, also an Olympian and speed skater.
Staying Calm before a Big Race
How do you stay calm in general when you have an important event ahead of you? You take some yoga classes, turn on the Headspace app and meditate? You have a shot of tequila to boost your confidence? You go to the gym and sweat it all out during a spin class or at a sauna? Basically, you do whatever it takes to be up for the challenge. For Konrad Niedźwiedzki something else seems to do the trick.
Thinking of PyeongChang 2018 & Katarzyna Woźniak
Can you guess the answer to the following question: What is Konrad’s next goal? Here are some hints: He is participating in his fourth Olympic competition and he is planning to retire and start a family with his lovely fiancée, Katarzyna Woźniak, also an Olympian and speed skater. What more is there to wish for?
Thoughts about Retirement
Retirement has many meanings for different people. If you ask a 20-year-old, they will probably think you are crazy to even mention it. A 40-year-old will already have a plan, an estimation of the retirement date and a pension plan in place. For a 55-year-old that is almost the reality, so they will be even more specific about how the rest of their lives will look like once their working days are over. What about a 33-year-old athlete? How does Konrad Niedźwiedzki feel about leaving behind his professional speed skating career and what is his next challenge?
Author: Delia Dobritoiu