The Olympic Winter season may be over soon, but for Pets of Champions this is just the beginning of what we hope to be a great journey of discovery into the amazing life of champions and their fascinating pets. The first contributors to this project are: Julia Dujmovits (snowboarder, Olympic Gold Winner in Sochi 2014), Anke Woehrer (snowboarder, Olympic Silver Medallist in Sochi 2014), Šárka Strachová (alpine ski racer, Olympic Bronze Medallist in Vancouver 2010) and Konrad Niedźwiedzki (long track speed skater, Olympic Bronze Medallist in Sochi 2014) ... and these are their stories!
Schnauzer Macho and speed skating champion Konrad Niedźwiedzki have been friends for 10 years, so it’s only natural they have their own routine. Although Macho is Konrad's best supporter, he really doesn't like ice.
The title of this story speaks for itself, yet we do invite you to see why alpine skiing Šárka Strachová cannot imagine a life without a pet. She grew up surrounded by pets, so she’s got really good reasons why having a pet is one of the best thing you can do.
Julia Dujmovits and Anke Woehrer have something is common besides their love for snowboarding. They both adore their Siberian Huskies! Kira and Jaws are the lucky, spoiled "children" of our athletes and they bring their owners a lot of joy!
For Anke Woehrer, Jaws, her loving Siberian Husky, is more than just a friend! Husky Jaws is the one who motivates her even when she doesn't feel like training, recharges her batteries and helps her through tough times. Let's see what Anke has to say about Husky Jaws' constant help!
So, now that you've already met Siberian Husky Jaws, Anke Woehrer's amazing friend, let's find out how he gets along with people in general. Later we'll see what Jaws and Anke love to do together and whether Anke can imagine her life without a pet.
It took Pets of Champions' team a trip to Burgenland (Austria) to meet Julia Dujmovits, the first Gold Olympic medalist in Snowboarding and her favorite Siberian Husky Kira! They may not spend too much time together since Julia's training takes her all over the world, but they still have the same routine every time they meet.
Konrad Niedźwiedzki and his mini Schnauzer called Macho share a long-time friendship. In Konrad's family Macho is the one that always makes people laugh.
Ringo, the loving German Shepherd, was Julia Dujmovits' childhood friend and even though many years have passed, the great moments they spent together are just unforgettable for Julia. The bond with your first pet, especially as child, is unique, and everyone who has experienced it will agree.
An Olympic alpine skiing champion such as Šárka Strachová, just had to have an equally special companion and best friend named Baloo, a truly loving Rhodesian Ridgeback dog who doesn't like rain and loves to sleep in his own bed.
Julia Dujmovits is a snowboarding champion despite of the fact that her home town is in the low lands, so not too many glaciers around to train on. But this did not stop her from dreaming, training and finding new, creative ways to reach her goal! She found lots of ways to train during summer or while on a holiday apart from the ones compulsory for becoming an Olympic Gold medalist.
Childhood dreams do come true, yet the journey of getting where we want is not an easy one. Anke Woehrer dreamt of becoming a snowboarding Olympic Champion and she did it. Find out what is her advice for those thinking of choosing a sports career.
To become the best in the world requires hours and years of dedication, hard work and willingness to overcome any kind of obstacles. Let's listen to Konrad Niedźwiedzki sharing his experience and advice on what it takes to become an Olympic champion.
Numerologists would argue that 11 is a power number and those born on such a day inspire people and that their presence is galvanizing. Maybe this is why it is not a coincidence that Šárka Strachová, born on February 11th, holds many of those great traits and, who knows, this could be one of the reasons behind her winning an Olympic medal in alpine skiing.
Anke Woehrer is one of Germany’s top athletes and the proud owner, amongst other things, of an Olympic Silver medal for Parallel Slalom in Sochi, 2014. She lives with her husband in a beautiful Bavarian city, in Bernau am Chiemsee, sharing their lovely home with the one and only Jaws, a 5-year-old blue-eyed Siberian Husky, which Anke “adopted” by marriage.
Being passionate about something or loving what you do is something all champions and sport aficionados have in common, yet turning a hobby into a career, that’s a big step. Julia Dujmovits took a leap of faith and after trying many sports, she chose snowboarding. And what a great choice she made for her life!
All the athletes we have interviewed - Julia Dujmovits, Anke Woehrer or Konrad Niedźwiedzki, had at least a plan, if not already a second career lined up. Alpine skiing Olympic medalist Šárka Strachová is no exception! Now she's totally dedicated to managing her wholistic & sports clinic in Prague.
As PyeongChang 2018 is not far away and winning an Olympic medal feels amazing, we tackled this topic first ... But as this may be a priority for the moment, Konrad's long term plans are getting even bigger and they also include his beautiful fiancée, Katarzyna Woźniak, also an Olympian and speed skater.
We all have our little secrets, ideas, things we do not often talk about and Anke Woehrer makes no exception. While spending time with Anke trying to get to know her better, we found out a few things that most people do not know about her.
Julia Dujmovits is a snowboarding champion despite of the fact that her home town is in the low lands, so not too many glaciers around to train on. But this did not stop her from dreaming, training and finding new, creative ways to reach her goal! She found lots of ways to train during summer or while on a holiday apart from the ones compulsory for becoming an Olympic Gold medalist.
Šárka Strachová has great determination, is very inspiring, definitely born to be in the lead, whether we are taking about a sports career or her life as a business woman. Here is how Šárka remembers her Olympic moment and how it felt to win for her country!
It takes hard work, dedication, perseverance, and much love fos snowboarding to pursue it as a career and become Olympic champion. And sometimes it takes witnessing a tragedy to reshuffle your life. Kaprun, 11th of November 2000 is a day which means a lot for Julia Dujmovits, and the next clip will reveal the connection about the sentences above. Julia is not just a snowboarding Olympic medalist, but also a champion of life!
Childhood dreams do come true, yet the journey of getting where we want is not an easy one. Anke Woehrer dreamt of becoming a snowboarding Olympic Champion and she did it. Find out what is her advice for those thinking of choosing a sports career.
Schnauzer Macho and speed skating champion Konrad Niedźwiedzki have been friends for 10 years, so it’s only natural they have their own routine. Although Macho is Konrad's best supporter, he really doesn't like ice.
To become the best in the world requires hours and years of dedication, hard work and willingness to overcome any kind of obstacles. Let's listen to Konrad Niedźwiedzki sharing his experience and advice on what it takes to become an Olympic champion.

Humans at Pet of Champions decided there are too many pet stories to be shared with all those who love them, so here are some of our favorite ones received from our readers.
ANIMALs' WORLD stories
They are not necessarily anybody's pets, but that does not mean that they are less important for us. Step into the hidden world of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, the wild animals!
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