“First, THINK. Second, BELIEVE. Third, DREAM. And finally, DARE.” — Walt Disney
I wish I could tell you that this is how Pets of Champions came to life. That would have made for a great segue into the story. The reality was much messier, and without getting into too many details, my creative process was more along the following lines:
First, dream big.
Second, abandon the idea and start something else.
Third, get annoyed with the new idea and go back to the dream.
And finally, dare.
In the end it does not matter how you do it, the important thing is to start.
At first, this was going to be only about champions and their pets, but a dear friend made me look beyond that and see the potential of so many more stories that were waiting to be told. We brainstormed during a winter holiday and came up with what is now the website of the project. I bought the domain on the last day of the year, and we built the social media pages in days then started teasing the project. In less than two months everything was up and running.
All of us who have joined this project are animal lovers, and if you are reading these words, I know for sure that you are one too. We do not discriminate, and we will do our best to feature all creatures who come to us, one way or another.
This is the reason why there are three sections on the website, they cover any scenario so that nobody should feel left aside.
Champions’ Love is dedicated to exceptional individuals, champions in their own fields and their lovely pets.
Your Pet Story, is where any pet story could feature. You can write it yourself or we can help you tell it, as long as it’s a good one.
Animals’ World hosts stories about all kinds of animals. We celebrate every creature, big or small, gentle or fierce, as they continue their journey in life alongside ours.
There is a long list of people I am thankful for seeing Pets of Champions come to life. However, I am forever indebted to the first four Olympic champions and their furry companions who have agreed to lend me a day to question them about their lives and routines.
Kira & Julia Dujmovits (Austrian snowboarder, Olympic Gold Winner in Sochi 2014),
Jaws & Anke Woehrer (German snowboarder, Olympic Silver Medallist in Sochi 2014),
Baloo & Šárka Strachová (Czech alpine ski racer, Olympic Bronze Medallist in Vancouver 2010)
Macho & Konrad Niedźwiedzki (Polish long track speed skater, Olympic Bronze Medallist in Sochi 2014).
Anyone can become a contributor, if they have a good pet story to tell. You do not have to take my word, just check the sections and I promise that our animals will steal your heart with their tricks, their faces, their favourite activities, and food preferences. You can learn more about their breeds and we’ll even invite you for a stroll in the woods or an ice football game. Some of them will even share their favourite toys with you!
They will put a big smile on your face, that’s a promise! And they will teach you things you never knew existed.
Please join me on this journey of discovering people and pet stories, and find your inspiration for your hopes and dreams, whatever they may be: getting a pet, joining the gym, starting that blog you always wanted to, going back to school, or nailing that interview for the job of your dreams.
Delia Dobritoiu
Creator, Director and Producer - “Pets of Champions”
Anke Woehrer, Julia Dujmovits, Sarka Strachova and Konrad Konrad Niedzwiedzki are four great Winter Olympics champions that simply adore their dogs and shared with us their emotional stories.
Humans at Pet of Champions decided there are too many pet stories to be shared with all those who love them, so here are some of our favorite ones received from our readers.