Fripouille or Frip for short is a Poddle who definitely knows what he wants, and especially when it comes to food! Chorizo sausages are his favourite and there's no tone for "Doucement!" (Slow down in English) that would make him stop from chewing them. Yet, there's more to tell about Fripouille, my sweet Poodle with lots of character.
- Name — Fripouille, already named when we adopted him
- Age — 13 years old
- Breed — Poodle cross
- Favourite food — everything, except dog croquettes
- Favourite activity — eating
- Favourite place to hang out — on the bed
- Favourite toy — not interesting, you can’t eat toys!
- Residence — Languedoc, France
I met Fripouille when I took my 2 Lhasas to the boarding kennel. I thought this lively little black fluffy character was very cute. The proprietor told me his master had gone into hospital and would not be coming out, so the family was looking for a new home for Frip.
At the end of my holiday, he was still there, looking decidedly woebegone. Jean-Louis told me he was getting very bored with kennel life, and nobody wanted him because he was 13 years old. I said I might be interested if he got on OK with my two other dogs. Jean-Louis asked if I wouldn’t prefer a younger cocker who had just arrived; I said not, because I was taken with Fripouille (which means Rascal in French). "He is a dog with a character" I was told. "But then, you wouldn’t like a dog who wasn’t, would you? "

The meeting, in a neutral territory field, went well, and after promising to return him if there were problems, I took Frip home with us. He did very well considering he had a new person, me, a new family of dogs and a new home in a country village, after spending his life as a city boy in an apartment in Foix. A visit to the dog beauty parlour had his very matted frizz shorn off - his sick master had naturally not been able to cope with it in the end - and to our amazement he looked just like a wire-haired dachshund. We knew mama had been a poodle, and now we could have a guess at papa! He wears a waterproof and jerseys, as winters here in the foothills of the Pyrenees can be very cold, but is looking very smart now that his coat is growing again.
Jean-Louis had said he ate just croquettes, and lots of them. Maybe in the kennels when there was not much else to do, and no competition. At my house, that was evidently not good enough. He refused to finish his croquettes, and every time I sat down at the table, even to drink a cup of tea, I found Frip under my feet moaning "I’m a poor starving dog that needs something nice to eat!". Eventually we settled down to regular mealtimes with something tasty mixed in to everyone’s croquettes. And dishing meals out in separate places.
I trained my dogs to sit nicely on command to have a piece of sausage at bedtime. Unfortunately, now they were rudely interrupted by a balletic leap and snap from Fripouille, who considered that ALL the sausages ought to be for him. It took some time and inappropriate yells of "Doucement!" to get him to take things gently. Sharing does not come naturally to an only dog.
Another of his past life secrets came to the fore in his habit of jumping on the furniture, which is not permitted with me - except for my bed which has a dog-proof coverlet. Also, I don’t think he was ever let off an extending lead, and so tends to wander off when on the loose. Despite the vet’s report that he is incredibly fit for his age and has an A1 heart, his distance hearing and sight are not too good, so neither calling nor waving work. When we go on walks with my friend’s GSDs, it is fine, as they are in their element rounding him up and bringing him back!

His former owner, apparently was absolutely delighted to hear of Fripouille’s new home, and people tell me I have done such a good thing in adopting an "oldie" like him, but to tell the truth I am thoroughly enjoying this little fellow, who is now very devoted to me (doubtless because I am the dispenser of food). Despite his deafening, big-dog barks whenever mealtime approaches, I can’t imagine life without this "dog of character" and I trust he will be bouncing around for many years to come.
Author: Hazel, Frip’s Mother